How to Hire Top ReactJS Developers

In today’s tech world, where speed of development and quality of software are key factors for business success, the demand for skilled ReactJS developers is growing day by day. The Resquad AI team brings you a powerful platform for hiring ReactJS developers so that adding talent to your department doesn’t take months. Join the platform, define your project terms and conditions, and find a genuine coder who will make your project shine.

Key Reasons to Hire Our ReactJS Developers 

It’s no news that every field requires a powerful team of specialists who know their job and direction perfectly. Performing various tasks, maintaining team spirit, meeting deadlines, and implementing fresh innovative ideas is what every employer expects. We offer you freelancers for whom each project is a little world to which they give themselves entirely. Our CTO says that “the creativity and technical skill of our ReactJS developers is the key to the future of digital innovation”. And it’s true! After all, our candidates have the following skills for efficient workflows. They form the foundation for effective operation, enabling you to deliver high-quality and scalable web applications.


This is the main language on which React is built. Devs have a deep understanding of syntax, data structures (arrays, objects), functions, loops, promises, and asynchronous operations (async/await). Knowledge of the latest ES features, such as arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, and modules, is also a significant advantage.


A deep understanding of React includes knowledge of building functional and class components as well as their lifecycle. Specialists know how to manage the state of components, transfer data between them through properties. Moreover, they employ useState, useEffect, and other Hooks to manage state and effects in functional components.


Experts have a base in HTML to structure content on web pages. Moreover, understanding CSS is important for styling. Knowledge of SASS or LESS CSS preprocessors simplifies the organization of styles. They also understand CSS frameworks. This is usually Bootstrap or Tailwind.

State management

Managing the state in complex applications can be a challenge, so knowledge of Redux or MobX libraries is crucial. It helps to centralize state management and simplify data processing in the project.

RESTful APIs and GraphQL

The ability to operate with APIs is necessary because most web applications receive and send data through requests. Devs know exactly how to make HTTP requests using libraries such as Axios or Fetch API, as well as understand the concepts of REST and GraphQL for handling data.

Tools for development

Knowledge of version control systems such as Git is essential for team collaboration. Our candidates know how to master Webpack for project customization, and Babel for translating modern JavaScript into cross-browser compatible code. 

Design patterns

Strong skills in common patterns such as Container/Presentational and Higher-Order Components enable our ReactJS developers to write clean and more structured code. 

ReactJS Developer Services

Resquad AI Company is not just a freelance platform. It is an experienced group that helps businesses worldwide to find reliable members of the IT department and entrust project creation to real professionals. We offer IT staff augmentation services to solve individual tasks based on various technologies. Our ReactJS development options are also quite extensive. Each candidate has a unique set of skills and work experience that helps to meet the project specifics and deliver quality results. At the same time, the price range of services is quite affordable. The statistics show the following.

ReactJS Developers hourly rates and salaries

These are quite pleasant figures considering the projects that specialists take on. So, now let’s talk more about the projects you receive:  

  • SPA: Single-page apps enable users to interact with the application without reloading the page. Using React, devs create components that can be updated asynchronously for a faster and smoother experience. It’s useful for programs that require frequent data updates.
  • UI: Our candidates specialize in building reusable components. Professionals produce interfaces with a focus on UX, using libraries such as Material-UI or Ant Design to improve aesthetics and functionality.  
  • Mobile applications: Order cross-platform mobile solutions for iOS and Android with a single code base. These types of projects reduce design time and costs while maintaining the native look and performance of the programs.  
  • E-commerce platforms: This framework is often used to create dynamic online stores. It is possible to implement complex functions. These include product filtering, shopping cart management, integration with payment systems, and the creation of a review system.  
  • Social networks: The construction of social platforms usually requires interactivity and speed. Our professionals design news feeds, comments, messages, and user profiles. Thanks to real-time data updates, users interact with the content instantly.  

Cost of Hiring ReactJS Developers 

Development Level Must-Have SkillsPrice Per Hour (on average)
Trainee JavaScript basics; React fundamentals; Git principles
JuniorCreating components; Local state management; Working with APIs
MiddleGlobal state management; Development of routing mechanisms; Testing components
SeniorPerformance optimization; Responsive design; Architectural patterns
Tech leadArchitectural solutions; Technology stack; Code review and training

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I hire a ReactJS Developer? 

Apply to our company and get access to our database of professionals. Complete the registration process and start selecting your ideal team member. Enter the country, specialization, level of expertise, and other details. You’ll automatically receive a list of the best matches. Now choose who you prefer, review the CV, schedule an interview, and sign the contract.

What is the minimum salary for a React JS developer?

It depends on the level of knowledge and experience. On average, a developer expects $20 per hour. 

What are the main advantages of using ReactJS? 

The major benefits are a virtual DOM, component-based approach, high performance, wide ecosystem, easy testing, flexibility, and ease of learning.