Hire Experienced PHP Developer  

Are you interested in hiring a full-stack PHP developer for the team? Only on Resquad AI, you find someone who knows code and loves what they do. Specify the main desired criteria and skills, choose seniority, language specializations, and more. Let’s hire someone who thinks creatively and will boost your projects.

Basic PHP Developer Skills & Knowledge Required 

PHP developers are responsible for developing the server side, processing client requests, handling databases, and integrating various system components. Constant growth in their practice helps to provide clients with modern and professional projects. Among the main PHP developer skills we distinguish the following: 

Working Experience with Frameworks  

Knowledge of one of the most popular frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, Phalcon, CodeIgniter, and Yii is a considerable strength. These frameworks provide ready-made solutions for frequently used tasks to speed up the workflow. These include routing, database management, security, templating, and logging. Knowledge of MVC architecture is also beneficial.

Basics of Database Operations

Hired department experts should have in-depth knowledge of relational or non-relational databases. These are primarily MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Redis, MariaDB, and others. This involves writing queries, creating database schemas, and optimizing queries to boost productivity.  

Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Although PHP is a server side language, knowing the basics of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a strong preference. This knowledge helps a specialist to better understand how their code affects the user interface and interaction with it. The ability to handle JavaScript frameworks such as Vue.js or React can be an additional advantage.

Web Application Security Fundamentals

A thorough understanding of web application security is essential. For a member of the development department, it’s a boon to be able to handle SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, Brute force, and other code threats. Experience with implementing authentication and data encryption is also preferred.

Experience with Version Control Systems

Git proficiency is required to manage code changes and collaborate with a team. True experts know exactly the basics of teamwork, the process of creating branches, merging, and resolving conflicts.

Analytical and Problem-Solving Competencies

Effective analysis of tasks and problems that arise during development is one of the skills most expected of an employee, in addition to technical expertise, of course. It requires logical thinking and the power to handle data to make informed decisions.

Communication Skills

It is a must for joining any team. The ability to communicate with project members and other stakeholders is the key to effective work and proper interaction. Your candidate should be able to clearly express their thoughts, make suggestions, and discuss project technical aspects.

Agile Principles and Development Methodologies

Knowing the Agile environment is essential for successful project delivery. It implies working in a rapidly changing environment and adapting to new demands. By the way, you can read our latest article on Agile development via this link.

Reasons to Hire Our PHP Developers 

Hiring a developer is not just a step, it’s your chance to get a true professional who will turn your ideas into reality. As Anton Brychak says, “PHP is not just a language, it’s a tool for making dreams come true in code,” so every candidate on our platform is a creative project wizard. So, what are the causes to apply to our freelancers? They are already below:

  • Custom Solutions – You receive customized solutions adapted to the specific requirements of the business. You get the dream web projects that exactly match the level of functionality and aesthetic preferences. Due to the flexible approach and close cooperation, candidates are ready to implement specific functions. The custom solutions also provide a competitive advantage, as you obtain a product that meets the unique characteristics of your niche.
  • Cost-Effective – According to statistics, our developers have the most loyal prices for proficient results:
Reasons to Hire PHP Developers and hourly rates

This is one of the most crucial reasons to hire our specialists as the developer base offers competitive rates. It allows you to achieve high-quality projects without significant costs. Instead of investing in expensive solutions, you receive a professional product that ensures maximum ROI.

  • Timely Delivery – Thanks to clear project management processes and the use of agile methods, our candidates plan and execute tasks efficiently. As a result, high-quality solutions for your business are delivered on time. 
  • Modern technologies – Our experts produce dynamic, efficient, and secure web applications that comply with the latest standards. The use of advanced methods, such as Docker and CI/CD, guarantees speed and flexibility in project management. The adoption of modern tools also facilitates the integration of new features and ensures effortless maintenance of the product in the future.

PHP Developer Hourly Rates, Project Proces, and Key Competencies

Development Level Required SkillsPrice Per Hour (on average)
Trainee PHP basics, HTML/CSS, version control systems, databases  $20/hr
Juniorobject-oriented programming, frameworks, RESTful API, unit testing$30/hr
MiddleMVC, MVVM, and other architectural patterns, using ORM (Eloquent, Doctrine), CI/CD $35/hr
Seniordesigning large systems, developing APIs, mentoring and managing a development team, application security, designing and implementing microservice architecture$45/hr
Tech leadstrategic planning, project management and Agile methodologies, effective communication, technology and architecture decision-making, code reviews$50/hr

Our PHP Development Services

Contact our experts for the following services:

  • Powerful web applications – projects provide a high level of interactivity and performance. Using modern frameworks, the candidates guarantee the reliability and security of applications. So focus on growing the business. 
  • Comprehensive e-commerce solutions – it involves the design of intuitive online stores. Future employees implement secure payment systems, and product management, and provide a convenient experience for clients. 
  • Custom content management systems – experts deliver easy-to-use and flexible solutions to focus on creating and publishing content. 
  • Application maintenance and support – each candidate is ready to provide regular updates, bug fixes, and technical support to ensure that your projects always run at the highest level of performance and security.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a PHP developer charge per hour?

It all depends on specialization, skills, level of knowledge, experience, and other criteria. The starting price is $20 per hour. On our platform, freelancers offer quality services at affordable prices, so you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to hire a department member.

Where is the best place to hire a PHP developer?

The best places include freelance platforms. One of them is ReSquad AI, where you can search for particular requests and specific criteria. 

How to find a PHP developer?

Define your requirements by clearly stating the project scope, technical skills, and level of experience required. Apply the filter on the left sidebar and mark the main search options. Now look at the proposed candidates, review their CVs, and request an interview.